Wearviews reviews are now added to a new forum section. I will slowly move the reviews into this board. There is no need to sign in to view the reviews.
New Rule
In order to ensure we have a good community with folks who would engage in discussions, I am going to request all members to introduce yourself forum. You would be required to post a photo of you in your most favorite underwear (to remain anonymous, you do not need to include your face) as part of the introduction - if you are shy and do not want to post, you can PM me a photo so that your account can be flagged accordingly.
Access to other forums have been removed if you have not introduced yourself. Once you have introduced yourself, I will grant you access to view other forums.
By doing this, we understand the members who view our post are at legal age and would create more engagement.
New Rule
In order to ensure we have a good community with folks who would engage in discussions, I am going to request all members to introduce yourself forum. You would be required to post a photo of you in your most favorite underwear (to remain anonymous, you do not need to include your face) as part of the introduction - if you are shy and do not want to post, you can PM me a photo so that your account can be flagged accordingly.
Access to other forums have been removed if you have not introduced yourself. Once you have introduced yourself, I will grant you access to view other forums.
By doing this, we understand the members who view our post are at legal age and would create more engagement.